IBM Endpoint Manager Inspectors Reference


Win: Windows
Lin: Red Hat and SUSE Linux
Sol: SUN Solaris
HPUX: Hewlett-Packard UNIX version
Mac: Apple Macintosh
Ubu: Ubuntu/Debian
WM: Windows Mobile

The version (e.g. Lin:8.1) corresponds to the version of the IEM product (8.1) in which the inspector was introduced in the client on that platform.
The version number is not shown if it is less than 8.0.



Action Objects
Authorization Objects
Client Objects
Directory Services
Environment Objects
Filesystem Objects
Firewall Objects
Fixlet Objects
Formatting Objects
Installed System Software
License Objects
Microsoft IIS Metabase Objects
Networking Objects
Power Objects
Primitive Objects
Registry Objects
Session Objects
Session Statistics
Site Objects
SMBIOS objects
System Objects
active device
event log
event log event type
event log record
fileset version record
fileset version record with multiplicity
fileset version requirement
grub block list
grub bootable image
grub color
grub color pair
grub color scheme
grub config file
grub device
grub file location
grub image choice
grub kernel
grub module
local mssql database
operating system
operating system product type
primary language
service pack
service pack with multiplicity
smf fmri
smf instance
smf property
smf property group
smf service
smf snapshot
smf snapshot part
smf time
smf value
sound volume
stereo volume
technology level
technology level with multiplicity
uuid with multiplicity
zone network interface
Task Objects
User Objects
Windows Mobile Device Objects
WMI Objects
World Objects

IBM Endpoint Manager wiki

System Objects

These are the keywords available for querying various aspects of the system, including the name and version of the operating sytem. This chapter also covers the keywords used to describe the vendors and types of the various processors that coexist in a typical computer system. Some of these Inspectors are system-specific, but are included to provide cross-platform compatibility.

service pack with multiplicity

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

service pack

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

technology level with multiplicity

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

technology level

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

fileset version record with multiplicity

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

fileset version record

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

fileset version requirement

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

grub block list

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
block list of <grub file location>List of blocks contained int the file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub block list> as string<string>String containing a specified block list in form "0+50,100+25,200+1."Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub bootable image

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bootable image of <grub config file>Returns the bootable image of a grub config fileUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Sol:9.0
bootable image <integer> of <grub config file>Bootable image at zero-based-indexed entry in grub config file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
bootable image <string> of <grub config file>Bootable image at specified by the string containing an entry's title.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
module of <grub bootable image><grub module>

Plural: modules
Returns the module of a grub bootable imageUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Sol:9.0
<grub bootable image> as string<string>String containg title of bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
chainloader of <grub bootable image><grub file location>File pointed to by chainloader for a bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
initrd of <grub bootable image><grub file location>File containing initial ram disk for bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
kernel of <grub bootable image><grub kernel>Kernel to be used for the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
module <integer> of <grub bootable image><grub module>Module (at zero-based index) to be loaded with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
modules of <grub bootable image><grub module>List of all modules to be loaded with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
quiet of <grub bootable image><boolean>True if bootable image has been designated as quiet, so as not to display verbose booting information.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
root of <grub bootable image><grub device>Root device that is associated with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
rootnoverify of <grub bootable image><grub device>Root device, designated as "no-verify," that is associated with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
savedefault of <grub bootable image><boolean>True if bootable image has been designated as "savedefault." This causes the bootable image to become the default after it has been booted.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
title of <grub bootable image><string>Title of bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub color pair

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
highlight of <grub color scheme>Color pair used for highlighted text.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
normal of <grub color scheme>Color pair used for normal text.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub color pair> as string<string>String displaying color pair in form "foreground-color/background-colorLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
background of <grub color pair><grub color>Name of background color of the color pair.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
foreground of <grub color pair><grub color>Name of foreground color of the color pair.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub color scheme

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
color scheme of <grub config file>Two color pairs specifying normal and highlighted screen colorsLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
highlight of <grub color scheme><grub color pair>Color pair used for highlighted text.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
normal of <grub color scheme><grub color pair>Color pair used for normal text.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub color

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
background of <grub color pair>Name of background color of the color pair.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
foreground of <grub color pair>Name of foreground color of the color pair.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub color> as string<string>String containing the name of one of the colors in a color pair.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub config file

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
grub config fileReturns the grub config file from the default location, either "/boot/grub/menu.lst" or "/boot/grub/grub.conf".Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
grub config file <string>Returns the grub config file at the path specified by the string.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
bootable image of <grub config file><grub bootable image>

Plural: bootable images
Returns the bootable image of a grub config fileUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Sol:9.0
fallback image of <grub config file><grub image choice>

Plural: fallback images
Returns the fallback image choice of a grub config fileUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Sol:9.0
bootable image <integer> of <grub config file><grub bootable image>Bootable image at zero-based-indexed entry in grub config file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
bootable image <string> of <grub config file><grub bootable image>Bootable image at specified by the string containing an entry's title.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
bootable images of <grub config file><list of grub bootable image>Provides list of all bootable images in the config file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
color scheme of <grub config file><grub color scheme>Two color pairs specifying normal and highlighted screen colorsLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
default image of <grub config file><grub image choice>Zero-based ordinal index of the default entry to be booted.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
fallback image <integer> of <grub config file><grub image choice>Zero-based ordinal index to an entry in the config file designated as a fallback to be booted in case previous choice fails.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
fallback images of <grub config file><grub image choice>A list of zero-based ordinal indexes to an entries in the config file designated as a fallback images to be booted in case previous choices fail.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
gfxmenu of <grub config file><grub file location>File containing graphical menu.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
hiddenmenu of <grub config file><boolean>True if menu has been explicitly designated to be hidden.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
path of <grub config file><string>Full path to grub config file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
splashimage of <grub config file><grub file location>File containing the splash screen image to be displayed at boot time.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
timeout of <grub config file><integer>How many seconds to wait for a user choice before booting the default image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub device

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
root of <grub bootable image>Root device that is associated with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
rootnoverify of <grub bootable image>Root device, designated as "no-verify," that is associated with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
device of <grub file location>Name of device of the file location, e.g., (hd0,0)bloLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub device> as string<string>String containing name of a device, such as (hd0,0).Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub file location

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
chainloader of <grub bootable image>File pointed to by chainloader for a bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
initrd of <grub bootable image>File containing initial ram disk for bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
gfxmenu of <grub config file>File containing graphical menu.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
splashimage of <grub config file>File containing the splash screen image to be displayed at boot time.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
location of <grub kernel>Full path name of the kernel fileLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub file location> as string<string>Full name of file consisting of device (if present) and path.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
block list of <grub file location><grub block list>List of blocks contained int the file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
device of <grub file location><grub device>Name of device of the file location, e.g., (hd0,0)bloLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
path of <grub file location><string>Path name of file without device.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub image choice

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
fallback image of <grub config file>Returns the fallback image choice of a grub config fileUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Sol:9.0
default image of <grub config file>Zero-based ordinal index of the default entry to be booted.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
fallback image <integer> of <grub config file>Zero-based ordinal index to an entry in the config file designated as a fallback to be booted in case previous choice fails.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
fallback images of <grub config file>A list of zero-based ordinal indexes to an entries in the config file designated as a fallback images to be booted in case previous choices fail.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub image choice> as string<string>String representation of a zero-based index to an image within the grub config file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
index of <grub image choice><integer>Zero-based index to an image within the grub config file.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub kernel

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
kernel of <grub bootable image>Kernel to be used for the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
boot argument <integer> of <grub kernel><string>The numbered boot argument for the kernel, in parameter=value form, if applicable.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
boot argument of <grub kernel><string>First boot argument for kernel, in parameter=value form, if applicable.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
location of <grub kernel><grub file location>Full path name of the kernel fileLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

grub module

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
module of <grub bootable image>Returns the module of a grub bootable imageUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, Sol:9.0
module <integer> of <grub bootable image>Module (at zero-based index) to be loaded with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
modules of <grub bootable image>List of all modules to be loaded with the bootable image.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<grub module> as string<string>String representing the name of the module moduleLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2
nounzip of <grub module><boolean>True if module is to be loaded without unzipping itLin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Ubu:8.2

smf fmri

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
fmri of <smf instance>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of a service instance. The FMRI is used to identify a specific instance of a service for administrative use. Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf property group>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of a property group. The FMRI is used to identify a specific property group for administrative use.Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf property>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of an smf property. The FMRI is used to identify a specific instance for administrative use. Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf service>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of a service. The FMRI is used to identify a service for administrative use. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf fmri> as string<string>Returns a string representation of the smf fmri object. The string has the general form 'svc:<service name>:<service instance>'. For example 'svc:/network/login:rlogin', where 'svc' signifies an SMF service, '/network/login' is the service name, and 'rlogin' is the service instance. Sol:8.2

smf instance

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
parent instance of <smf property group>Returns the specific service instance to which this property group belongs. Sol:8.2
instance <string> of <smf service>Returns the specified instance of an smf service. An smf instance represents a particular piece of server software (such as 'Apache').Sol:8.2
instance of <smf service> Iterates over the instances of a service. An smf instance represents a particular piece of server software (such as 'Apache'). Sol:8.2
parent instance of <smf snapshot>Returns the service instance to which this snapshot belongs. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf instance> as string<string>Returns a string representation of the smf instance object. This is the same as the end component of the FMRI ('Fault Management Resource Identifier') of the instance, and the same as the name of the instance. Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf instance><smf fmri>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of a service instance. The FMRI is used to identify a specific instance of a service for administrative use. Sol:8.2
name of <smf instance><string>Returns the name of the smf instance object. This is the same as the end component of the FMRI ('Fault Management Resource Identifier') of the instance. Sol:8.2
parent service of <smf instance><smf service>Returns the smf service to which this instance belongs. Each service can have multiple instances which can share configuration with each other as well as maintain individual configuration and characteristics. Sol:8.2
property group <string> of <smf instance><smf property group>Returns the specified smf property group of a particular service instance. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
property group of <smf instance><smf property group>Iterates over property groups of a service instance. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
snapshot <string> of <smf instance><smf snapshot>Returns the specified smf snapshot of a service instance. A snapshot is an unchanging picture of the full set of property groups associated with an instance. Snapshots are automatically created and managed by the Service Management Facility. A snapshot consists of a set of snaplevels, each of which holds copies of the property groups associated with an instance or service in the resolution path of the base instance. Typically, there is one snaplevel for the instance and one for the instance's parent service. Sol:8.2
snapshot of <smf instance><smf snapshot>Iterates over the snapshots of a service instance. A snapshot is an unchanging picture of the full set of property groups associated with an instance. Snapshots are automatically created and managed by the Service Management Facility. A snapshot consists of a set of snaplevels, each of which holds copies of the property groups associated with an instance or service in the resolution path of the base instance. Typically, there is one snaplevel for the instance and one for the instance's parent service. Sol:8.2

smf property group

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
property group <string> of <smf instance>Returns the specified smf property group of a particular service instance. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
property group of <smf instance>Iterates over property groups of a service instance. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
property group <string> of <smf service>Returns the specified property group of a service. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
property group of <smf service>Iterates over the property groups of a service. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
property group <string> of <smf snapshot part>Returns the specified property group of a snapshot part. Sol:8.2
property group of <smf snapshot part>Iterates over the property groups of a snapshot part. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf property group> as string<string>A string representation of an smf property group. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf property group><smf fmri>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of a property group. The FMRI is used to identify a specific property group for administrative use.Sol:8.2
name of <smf property group><string>Returns the name of a property group. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Sol:8.2
nonpersistent flag of <smf property group><boolean>Returns a boolean value indicating that the property group configuration will not be retained beyond a system shutdown or reboot. Sol:8.2
parent instance of <smf property group><smf instance>Returns the specific service instance to which this property group belongs. Sol:8.2
parent service of <smf property group><smf service>Returns the service to which this property group belongs.Sol:8.2
parent snapshot part of <smf property group><smf snapshot part>Returns an object that represents a part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2
property <string> of <smf property group><smf property>Returns the specified smf property object of the property group. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Sol:8.2
property of <smf property group><smf property>Iterates over the smf properties of a property group. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Sol:8.2
type of <smf property group><string>Returns a string representing the type of the property group. Each property group has a type corresponding to its purpose. The core property group types are method, dependency, application, and framework. Additional property group types can be introduced, provided they conform to the extended naming convention in smf(5). Sol:8.2

smf property

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
property <string> of <smf property group>Returns the specified smf property object of the property group. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Sol:8.2
property of <smf property group>Iterates over the smf properties of a property group. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf property> as string<string>Returns a string representation of an smf property object. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. This string representation is just the name portion of the property. Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf property><smf fmri>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of an smf property. The FMRI is used to identify a specific instance for administrative use. Sol:8.2
name of <smf property><string>Returns the name of an smf property. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Sol:8.2
value of <smf property><smf value>Returns the value of an smf property. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Although most smf property inspectors are only assigned a single value, it is possible for one to be assigned multiple values of the same type. The types that an smf value can have are BOOLEAN, COUNT, INTEGER, TIME, OPAQUE, ASTRING, USTRING, URI, HOST, FMRI, HOSTNAME, NET_ADDR_V4, and NET_ADDR_V6. Sol:8.2

smf service

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
parent service of <smf instance>Returns the smf service to which this instance belongs. Each service can have multiple instances which can share configuration with each other as well as maintain individual configuration and characteristics. Sol:8.2
parent service of <smf property group>Returns the service to which this property group belongs.Sol:8.2
service <string> of <smf>Returns the smf service object identified by the specified name. Services have unique names, so this is a singular property. An smf service inspector represents a type of service (such as 'web server') without specifying a particular piece of server software (such as 'Apache'). Sol:8.2
service of <smf>Iterates over all installed smf service objects on the local machine. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf service> as string<string>Returns a string representation of an smf service object. This is the same as the name of the service. Sol:8.2
fmri of <smf service><smf fmri>Returns an smf fmri object representing the 'Fault Management Resource Identifier' of a service. The FMRI is used to identify a service for administrative use. Sol:8.2
instance <string> of <smf service><smf instance>Returns the specified instance of an smf service. An smf instance represents a particular piece of server software (such as 'Apache').Sol:8.2
instance of <smf service><smf instance> Iterates over the instances of a service. An smf instance represents a particular piece of server software (such as 'Apache'). Sol:8.2
name of <smf service><string>Returns the name of the service. Sol:8.2
property group <string> of <smf service><smf property group>Returns the specified property group of a service. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2
property group of <smf service><smf property group>Iterates over the property groups of a service. An smf property group is a group of name/value pairs that represent configuration settings. Thus, there are some configuration settings that are applicable in general to a particular type of service, and others that are applicable only to a particular instance of a service. Sol:8.2

smf snapshot part

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
parent snapshot part of <smf property group>Returns an object that represents a part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2
instance part of <smf snapshot>Represents an instance part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2
part of <smf snapshot>Represents a part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2
service part of <smf snapshot>Represents a service part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
parent snapshot of <smf snapshot part><smf snapshot>Returns the snapshot to which this snapshot part belongs. Sol:8.2
property group <string> of <smf snapshot part><smf property group>Returns the specified property group of a snapshot part. Sol:8.2
property group of <smf snapshot part><smf property group>Iterates over the property groups of a snapshot part. Sol:8.2

smf snapshot

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
snapshot <string> of <smf instance>Returns the specified smf snapshot of a service instance. A snapshot is an unchanging picture of the full set of property groups associated with an instance. Snapshots are automatically created and managed by the Service Management Facility. A snapshot consists of a set of snaplevels, each of which holds copies of the property groups associated with an instance or service in the resolution path of the base instance. Typically, there is one snaplevel for the instance and one for the instance's parent service. Sol:8.2
snapshot of <smf instance>Iterates over the snapshots of a service instance. A snapshot is an unchanging picture of the full set of property groups associated with an instance. Snapshots are automatically created and managed by the Service Management Facility. A snapshot consists of a set of snaplevels, each of which holds copies of the property groups associated with an instance or service in the resolution path of the base instance. Typically, there is one snaplevel for the instance and one for the instance's parent service. Sol:8.2
parent snapshot of <smf snapshot part>Returns the snapshot to which this snapshot part belongs. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf snapshot> as string<string>A string representation of an smf snapshot. This is the same as the name of the snapshot. Sol:8.2
instance part of <smf snapshot><smf snapshot part>Represents an instance part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2
name of <smf snapshot><string>Returns the name of an smf snapshot. Sol:8.2
parent instance of <smf snapshot><smf instance>Returns the service instance to which this snapshot belongs. Sol:8.2
part of <smf snapshot><smf snapshot part>Represents a part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2
service part of <smf snapshot><smf snapshot part>Represents a service part of an smf snapshot. Each snapshot has two parts: a 'service part' and an 'instance part'. Sol:8.2

smf time

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf value> as smf timeReturns an smf time object for values of type SCF_TYPE_TIME. Returns type conversion error for other types. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf time> as string<string>Returns a string representation of an smf time. An smf time consists of a seconds portion and a nanoseconds portion. Sol:8.2
nanoseconds value of <smf time><integer>Returns a number corresponding to the nanoseconds portion of an smf time. Sol:8.2
seconds value of <smf time><integer>Returns a number corresponding to the seconds portion of an smf time. Sol:8.2

smf value

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
value of <smf property>Returns the value of an smf property. Each smf property represents a setting as a name/value pair. Although most smf property inspectors are only assigned a single value, it is possible for one to be assigned multiple values of the same type. The types that an smf value can have are BOOLEAN, COUNT, INTEGER, TIME, OPAQUE, ASTRING, USTRING, URI, HOST, FMRI, HOSTNAME, NET_ADDR_V4, and NET_ADDR_V6. Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<smf value> as boolean<boolean>Returns the boolean state for values of type SCF_TYPE_BOOLEAN. Returns type conversion error for other types. Sol:8.2
<smf value> as integer<integer>Returns the numeric value for values of type SCF_TYPE_INTEGER or SCF_TYPE_COUNT. Returns type conversion error for other types. Sol:8.2
<smf value> as smf time<smf time>Returns an smf time object for values of type SCF_TYPE_TIME. Returns type conversion error for other types. Sol:8.2
<smf value> as string<string>Returns a string representation of the value for all types of smf values. Sol:8.2


Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
smfReturns the smf object. Use 'services of smf' for more information.Sol:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
service <string> of <smf><smf service>Returns the smf service object identified by the specified name. Services have unique names, so this is a singular property. An smf service inspector represents a type of service (such as 'web server') without specifying a particular piece of server software (such as 'Apache'). Sol:8.2
service of <smf><smf service>Iterates over all installed smf service objects on the local machine. Sol:8.2


Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


On Windows computers, this object returns strings that identify the version of the BIOS. On other computers, all bios expressions will fail gracefully, rather than generating an error.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bios>Create the bios objectWin, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<bios><bios>Create the bios objectWin, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
<bios> as string<string>This Windows-only Inspector returns a string that is the concatenation of the BIOS name and date. On a non-Windows operating system, it returns FALSE.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
date of <bios><string>

Plural: dates
This Windows-only Inspector returns the date string stored in the bios. This string is formatted as MM/DD/YY. On a non-Windows operating system, it returns FALSE.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
version of <bios><string>

Plural: versions
This Windows-only Inspector returns the first string of the multi-string version stored in the bios. This string may not exist. The format depends upon your BIOS manufacturer. On a non-Windows operating system, it returns FALSE.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1

operating system

The operating system object provides access to several important properties of the system.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
operating systemReturns the operating system object. See operating system.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<operating system> as string<string>Returns a string containing the name of the operating system concatenated with the release.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
architecture of <operating system><string>

Plural: architectures
Returns the architecture of the operating system. This is the value of the 'machine' element of the utsname structure obtained by calling uname.Win:8.2, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
boot time of <operating system><time>

Plural: boot times
Returns the time of the last restart.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
build of <operating system><string>

Plural: builds
Returns a string corresponding to the build number of the OS.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
codename of <operating system><string>

Plural: codenames
This *NIX Inspector returns a string that corresponds to the codename of the given release. For example, Ubuntu 8.04 has the codename of 'hardy'.Lin:8.1, Sol:8.1, HPUX:8.1, AIX:8.1, Ubu:8.1
mac of <operating system><boolean>

Plural: macs
Returns TRUE if the client computer is a Macintosh.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
machine of <operating system><string>

Plural: machines
Returns the architecture of the machine.Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Ubu:8.2
name of <operating system><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the operating system as a string. Names might include Win98, WinNT, etcetera.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
release of <operating system><string>

Plural: releases
Information about the release of the operating system, formatted as a <version> on the Macintosh, but a <string> on UNIX and Windows.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
unix of <operating system><boolean>

Plural: unixes
Returns TRUE if the local computer is a UNIX system.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1
uptime of <operating system><time interval>

Plural: uptimes
Returns a time interval that represents the elapsed time since the operating system was last booted. Note: Depending on the notebook, this interval may not include time spent in hibernation.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
version of <operating system><version>

Plural: versions
Returns the version of the operating system.Win:8.0, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.2
windows of <operating system><boolean>

Plural: windowses
Returns TRUE if the local computer is a Windows system.Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Mac:8.0, Ubu:8.1


Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
cpupackageWin:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
core of <cpupackage><integer>Returns the number of physical cores in a single cpupackage (a single socket or physical CPU)Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2
count of <cpupackage><integer>Returns the count of physical cpu packages packages (the number of sockets or physical CPUs). Multiply this number by the number of cores to get the total core count of the system.Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2
smt capable of <cpupackage><boolean>If detectable, returns true if the cpupackage is capable of SMT threads (Simultaneous multithreading, called "Hyper-Threading" on some platforms)Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2
smt enabled of <cpupackage><boolean>If detectable, returns true if the cpupackage is using SMT threads (Simultaneous multithreading, called Hyper-Threading on some platforms)Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2
thread of <cpupackage><integer>Returns the number of SMT threads (Simultaneous multithreading, called Hyper-Threading on some platforms) in a single cpupackage (a single socket or physical CPU)Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Mac:8.2, Ubu:8.2


The <processor> object is used to identify the number and properties of processors in the system. You can identify the manufacturer of the CPU as well as the speed and other features. Many operating systems provide for multiple processors. You can inspect any one of them by their ordinal number.For more information on Windows processors, see the Resource section at the end of this guide.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
main processorReturns the processor object corresponding to the main processor.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
processorReturns all the processor objects defined on the machine. See processor.

number of processors > 1 - Returns TRUE if the computer is a multi-processor system.
Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
processor <integer>Returns a processor object for the numbered processor. Processors are numbered from 1.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac:8.2, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
brand string of <processor><string>

Plural: brand strings
Returns the vendor-defined brand names for newer processors.Win, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, Mac:8.2, WM, Ubu:8.2
family name of <processor><string>

Plural: family names
Returns the family name of the CPU, dependent on the type of client computer, for instance Pentium, Sparc, PowerPC G4, etcetera.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
family of <processor><integer>

Plural: families
Returns an integer representing the family of the CPU. See the notes for the meaning of these numbers. As of BES 6.0, this Inspector returns a string on Solaris and AIX computers.Win, Lin, Sol, AIX, Mac:8.2, WM, Ubu:8.1
family of <processor><string>

Plural: families
Returns an integer representing the family of the CPU. See the notes for the meaning of these numbers. As of BES 6.0, this Inspector returns a string on Solaris and AIX computers.Sol, AIX
fputype of <processor><string>

Plural: fputypes
Returns pi_fputypes, a string containing the comma-separated types of floating-point units (FPUs) attached to the processor. This string will be empty if no FPU is attached.Sol
id of <processor><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns an integer corresponding to the ID of the specified processor.Sol, AIX
index of <processor><integer>

Plural: indexes
Returns the ordinal number of the processor on a multi processor machine.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
model of <processor><string>

Plural: models
Returns the model number of the CPU as a string.Note: On Windows and Linux platforms, this Inspector returns an integer.Sol, HPUX, AIX
speed of <processor><hertz>

Plural: speeds
Returns the speed of the processor in Hertz.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
state of <processor><string>

Plural: states
Returns the current processor state, which can be "online", "offline", "poweroff", or "unknown".Sol, HPUX
type of <processor><string>

Plural: types
Numeric type of the CPU. Values include: 0 - standard1 - overdrive2 - dual CPU capable3 - reservedNote: this Inspector returns an <integer> type as on Windows platforms.Sol, AIX, Mac


The <ram> object is used to inspect properties of the computer's random access memory.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
ramReturns a ram object for inspecting the properties of Random Access Memory installed on the machine. See ram.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
random access memorySame as above.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
free amount of <ram><integer>

Plural: free amounts
Returns the amount of system RAM currently unused, in bytes.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
size of <ram><integer>

Plural: sizes
Returns the number of bytes of random access memory on the current machine.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, WM, Ubu:8.1
total amount of <ram><integer>

Plural: total amounts
Same as size of <ram>.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
used amount of <ram><integer>

Plural: used amounts
Returns the amount of system RAM currently used, in bytes.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1

active device

On Windows NT systems (including XP and 2K), the <active device> Inspectors returns a set of objects corresponding to the active devices on the machine, for example: modems, graphics cards, printers, and more.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

local mssql database

The <local mssql database> Inspectors retrieve the properties of the MS SQL databases on the local machine.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <service> Inspectors provide access to all services configured on Windows NT, 2K and XP systems. On a non-Windows system, expressions using these objects will fail gracefully instead of generating an error.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
main gather serviceReturns a service object for the main gathering service, typically located on the main server.Note: On a Macintosh, returns <nothing>. Included for compatibility.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
relay serviceReturns a service object for the relay component of BES. Note: On a Macintosh, this returns <nothing>.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
running service <string>Returns the running service object matching the name provided.Win, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1
service <string>Returns the service object matching the name provided, regardless of its running state.On a Macintosh, returns a <dummy> type.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
proxy agent serviceservice

Plural: proxy agent services
Returns a service object of the BESProxyAgent if one is presentUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Sol:9.0, Win:9.0
<service> as string<string>Returns a string containing the Service name, Display name, and State of the service.Win, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Ubu:8.2
running of <service><boolean>

Plural: runnings
Win:8.2, Lin:8.2, Sol:8.2, HPUX:8.2, AIX:8.2, Ubu:8.2
state of <service><string>

Plural: states
Returns one of Continuing, Pausing, Paused, Running, Starting, Stopping, Stopped, Unknown.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
version of <service><version>

Plural: versions
This Inspector takes the specified service property and retrieves its version (file version).Win:8.0, Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, HPUX:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1


Processes allocate the various resources needed to execute a program. Processes have a process identifier, a virtual address space, associated code, a priority class, security settings, environment variables, min and max working set sizes, and at least one executing thread. Processes are typically started with a single primary thread which in turn can spawn additional threads.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
processReturns all process objects currently running.Win:8.0, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
process <integer>Returns the process object corresponding to the given integer pid.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
process <string>Returns the process object corresponding to the name specified by <string>.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
init process of <zone>Returns the init process of the specified Solaris Zone. An attempt to get the init process of an inactive zone will result in 'Singular expression refers to nonexistent object'. See the Solaris documentation for more information.Sol:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
effective user of <process><user>

Plural: effective users
Returns the effective user of the process specifiedUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Sol:9.0
ppid of <process><integer>

Plural: ppids
Returns the PPID of the process specifiedUbu:9.0, Lin:9.0, HPUX:9.0, AIX:9.0, Sol:9.0
command line argument <integer> of <process><string>

Plural: command line arguments
Returns the Nth command line argument of the specified process.Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1
command line argument of <process><string>

Plural: command line arguments
Returns the command line arguments of the specified process.Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, AIX:8.0, Ubu:8.1
environment of <process><environment>

Plural: environments
Returns the environment of the specified process.Lin:8.0, Sol:8.0, Ubu:8.1
id of <process><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the integer ID of the specified process.Win:8.0, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
name of <process><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name (as a string) of the specified process.Win:8.0, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
pid of <process><integer>

Plural: pids
Returns the integer process ID for the specified process.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
process id of <process><integer>

Plural: process ids
Returns the integer process ID for the specified process.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Mac, Ubu:8.1
zone of <process><zone>

Plural: zones
Returns the Solaris Zone corresponding to the specified process.Sol:8.0


This object lets you inspect the properties of your swap space.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


A language is composed of a primary language (for example, Swiss) and a sub-language (for example, Swiss German).

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
system localeDetermines which bitmap fonts, and OEM, ANSI, and MAC code pages are defaults for the system. This only affects applications that are not fully Unicode.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1
system ui languageDetermines the default language of menus and dialogs, messages and help files.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<language> as string<string>Returns the language of the system locale.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1
platform id of <language><string>

Plural: platform ids
Returns the string resulting from a call to setlocale(LC_TYPE, ""). This call examines the system environment and returns a string representing the language and character set for any text-related system function. The string is of the form "en_US.UTF-8".Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
primary language of <language><primary language>

Plural: primary languages
Extracts the primary language identifier from a language.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1

primary language

A primary language identifier indicates the written/spoken language that is used by the system. However, to identify the language that is used in a country or region you must combine the primary language with a sub-language identifier to form language identifiers.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
primary language of <language>Extracts the primary language identifier from a language.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<primary language> as string<string>Returns the primary language.Win, Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, WM, Ubu:8.1


The <computer> Inspectors provide access to the name of the computer.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <registryroot> objects are the Inspectors for the planes of the IOKit Registry

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <registrynode> Inspectors provide access to the nodes of the IOKit Registry.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <scsibus> Inspectors refer to the Small Computer System Interface bus components.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <scsidevice> Inspectors refer to the Small Computer System Interface devices connected to the Client computer.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

sound volume

The <sound volume> Inspectors are for inspecting the sound volume settings.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

stereo volume

The <stereo volume> Inspectors are for inspecting the stereo volume settings.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <usb> objects are the Universal Serial Bus Inspectors.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The <runlevel> Inspectors refer to a mode of operation in various Unix systems. Typically, when a computer enters runlevel zero, it halts and when it enters runlevel six, it reboots. The intermediate runlevels differ widely among operating systems.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
runlevelReturns the current runlevel of the local machine.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<runlevel> as string<string>Casts a runlevel object as a string.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
effective time of <runlevel><time>

Plural: effective times
Returns the time at which the runlevel was set to its current value.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1
value of <runlevel><string>

Plural: values
Returns the current runlevel. It evaluates to a platform-dependent string indicating the current runlevel. For instance, on Linux the value '3' indicates runlevel 3 and 'S' indicates single user mode.Lin, Sol, HPUX, AIX, Ubu:8.1

operating system product type

The <operating system product type> Inspectors return the product type of the operating system, which includes Workstations, Domain Controllers and Servers.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

event log

The <event log> Inspectors return information about the specified Windows Event logs, including the System, Security and the Application log.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

event log record

The <event log record> Inspectors return individual records from the Windows Event logs, which record information about operating system events.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)

event log event type

The <event log event type> Inspectors return information about the types of Windows Event log entries, which record various operating system events including errors, warnings and general information.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)


The Solaris OS allows you to set up zones, which provide a virtual view of the runtime environment that is segregated from other zones. Solaris Zones act as completely isolated virtual servers within a single operating system instance. These Inspectors allow you to monitor the user's zone configurations.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
zoneReturns the global Solaris zones.Sol:8.0
zone <integer>Returns the Nth (as specified by the integer) global Solaris zone.Sol:8.0
zone <string>Returns the named global Solaris zone.Sol:8.0
zone <uuid>Returns the named global Solaris zone as specified by the UUID.Sol:8.0
zone of <process>Returns the Solaris Zone corresponding to the specified process.Sol:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<zone> as string<string>Casts a Zone as a string type.Sol:8.0
autoboot value of <zone><boolean>

Plural: autoboot values
Returns TRUE if the specified Solaris Zone is set to Autoboot.Sol:8.0
boot argument <integer> of <zone><string>

Plural: boot arguments
Returns the Nth boot argument of the specified Solaris zone.Sol:8.0
boot argument of <zone><string>

Plural: boot arguments
Returns a list of the boot arguments of the specified Solaris zone.Sol:8.0
brand of <zone><string>

Plural: brands
Returns the brand of the selected Solaris Zone as a string, such as 'native', 'cluster' or 'solaris9'.Sol:8.0
comment of <zone><string>

Plural: comments
Returns the comments associated with the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0
configuration state of <zone><string>

Plural: configuration states
Returns the configuration state of the specified Solaris Zone as a string type.Sol:8.0
exclusive ip of <zone><boolean>

Plural: exclusive ips
Returns TRUE if the Exclusive IP flag is set for the specified Solaris Zone. This configuration implies that a given non-global zone will have exclusive access to one of the NICs on your system.Sol:8.0
execution state of <zone><string>

Plural: execution states
Returns the Execution State of the specified Solaris Zone as a string, such as 'Active', 'Running', 'Stopped', etcetera.Sol:8.0
id of <zone><integer>

Plural: ids
Returns the ID of the specified Solaris Zone as an integer.Sol:8.0
inherited package directory of <zone><string>

Plural: inherited package directories
Returns the inherited package directories of the specified Solaris Zone (if any exist) as strings.Sol:8.0
init process of <zone><process>

Plural: init processes
Returns the init process of the specified Solaris Zone. An attempt to get the init process of an inactive zone will result in 'Singular expression refers to nonexistent object'. See the Solaris documentation for more information.Sol:8.0
name of <zone><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified Solaris Zone as a string.Sol:8.0
network interface <string> of <zone><zone network interface>

Plural: network interfaces
Returns the named network interface of the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0
network interface of <zone><zone network interface>

Plural: network interfaces
Returns a list of the network interfaces of the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0
path of <zone><string>

Plural: paths
Returns the path of the given Solaris Zone as a string.Sol:8.0
physical memory cap of <zone><integer>

Plural: physical memory caps
Returns the physical memory cap of the specified Solaris Zone (if one exists). An attempt to get the physical memory cap of an zone when none exists will result in 'Singular expression refers to nonexistent object'. See the Solaris documentation for more information.Sol:8.0
scheduling class of <zone><string>

Plural: scheduling classes
Returns the scheduling class of the specified Solaris Zone, a platform-provided string. See the Solaris documentation for more information.Sol:8.0
uuid of <zone><uuid>

Plural: uuids
Returns the UUID of the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0

zone network interface

The <zone network interface> objects allow you to inspect the network interfaces (IP layers) installed when booting a Solaris Zone.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
network interface <string> of <zone>Returns the named network interface of the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0
network interface of <zone>Returns a list of the network interfaces of the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<zone network interface> as string<string>Casts a Zone network interface as a string type.Sol:8.0
address of <zone network interface><string>

Plural: addresses
Returns the address of the specified Solaris zone network interface as a string type.Sol:8.0
name of <zone network interface><string>

Plural: names
Returns the name of the specified Solaris Zone network interface as a string.Sol:8.0


UUID is a Universally Unique IDentifier code given to each storage device on your Solaris system. UUIDs are used to identify DVD drives, removable media and drive partitions. The UUID is a hexadecimal string such as c73a37c8-ef7f-40e4-b9de-8b2f81038441. UUID values may be compared to each other using the arithmetic operators (=, <, >, and more.).

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
uuid <string>Returns the named UUID (Universally Unique ID).Sol:8.0
uuid of <zone>Returns the UUID of the specified Solaris Zone.Sol:8.0
maximum of <uuid>Returns the maximum value from a list of <uuid> types.Sol:8.0
minimum of <uuid>Returns the minimum value from a list of <uuid> types.Sol:8.0


DeclarationReturn TypeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<uuid> {cmp} <uuid><boolean>Compares a UUID type to a string, where {cmp} is one of: <, <=, =.Sol:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
<uuid> as string<string>Casts a UUID as a string type.Sol:8.0
extrema of <uuid><( uuid, uuid )>

Plural: extremas
Returns the minimum and maximum extreme values of the given list of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers).Sol:8.0
maximum of <uuid><uuid>

Plural: maxima
Returns the maximum value from a list of <uuid> types.Sol:8.0
minimum of <uuid><uuid>

Plural: minima
Returns the minimum value from a list of <uuid> types.Sol:8.0
unique value of <uuid><uuid with multiplicity>

Plural: unique values
Returns the unique values of a given list of <uuid> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Sol:8.0

uuid with multiplicity

The <uuid with multiplicity> Inspectors deal with arrays of UUIDs, allowing you to extract unique IDs and count them.

Creation Methods

DeclarationDescriptionPlatforms (?)
unique value of <uuid>Returns the unique values of a given list of <uuid> types, removing duplicates and sorting by value.Sol:8.0


DeclarationReturn typeDescriptionPlatforms (?)
multiplicity of <uuid with multiplicity><integer>

Plural: multiplicities
Sorts the list and returns the multiplicity, or count, of each unique element in the specified list of multiple <uuid> types.Sol:8.0